Blossom Into The Best Version Of Yourself!
Blossom Into The Best Version Of Yourself!
It is difficult to answer this question firstly without seeing you and secondly because too many factors interacts with the way you heal.
Vibrational Medicine is a tailored medicine. Everyone is unique and responds uniquely to it. Some people heal faster and better than others.
What I can say with certainty is that healing is faster than getting ill thanks to Vibrational Medicine.
Vibrational Medicine results may vary.
You also may want to answer two critical questions for yourself:
At the end of each session, your body will tell you when your next treatment is needed.
You can have another treatment before that date, at that date or at a later date.
I have patients who have weekly treatments, others monthly, others every 3 months, other every 6 months and some come yearly for an MOT!
Many times patients who have passed their next appointment date regret not to have come when I said that they should have come.
You are completely free of choosing the periodicity of your appointments.
It may as Vibrational Medicine eliminates the cause(s) of your health issues:
Therefore keeping taking an unnecessary medication will create problems. But before stopping your medication, you need to validate with medical tests that
It may as Vibrational Medicine eliminates the cause(s) of your health issues:
Therefore keeping taking an unnecessary medication will create problems. But before stopping your medication, you need to validate with medical tests that
Yes, except acupuncture.
The answer is definitely no. But I have observed over my many years of practice that sometimes some patients get worse for a short time before getting better.
If you would like to stop your medications, which is your right, you should check with your doctor / dentist first.
Furthermore, some medications cannot be stopped at once, a weaning off period is necessary to limit withdrawals symptoms.
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